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When dealing with a clogged drain pipe, tree roots may be the last thing you would expect to be the root cause of the problem.

Tree roots can grow in your sewer pipe and cause major plumbing problems when left unattended. The drain pipes can become clogged, leading to undue pressure on your plumbing system and eventually resulting in serious issues like burst pipes.

To remedy this, you can learn more about the reasons behind root growth in your pipes and how to stop it from happening. With your plumbing secure, you will have to worry about nasty plumbing issues very rarely.

You can find all the information you need about root invasion in your pipes and sewer line here.

What Causes Tree Roots To Grow In Sewer Lines

Tree Roots Damaging Pathway

Root systems have been known to penetrate sewer lines, causing hairline cracks and blockages. This usually occurs in tropical areas, where the heat causes the roots to grow deeper in search of water, and pipelines make for an excellent water source. The aggressive root growth results in the penetration of sewer pipes, damaging them.

The roots can enter the sewer pipe from the top, sides or bottom of a pipe, especially in dryer climates. However, that is not to say that temperate regions and those with heavy rainfall have not seen root growth in pipes, as roots thrive in nutrient-rich environments.

Signs Of Tree Roots In Sewer Line

Usually, there are several warning signs that you have tree root growth in your sewer pipes. You can prevent severe plumbing problems and stop water bills from racking up by being vigilant and acting quickly.

Plumber Removing Tree Roots Drain

1. Foul Smell

Roots from trees cause sewer blockages, leading to the deposition of foul-smelling waste. You may consider checking your plumbing to detect a bad odour from your drains.

2. Decrease In Water Pressure

Blocked pipes can cause a reduction in water pressure, which can cause issues in the long run. This may be a tell-tale sign of your plumbing being ravaged by the tree’s roots.

3. Strange Noises In Your Pipes

Damaged pipes can result in strange banging or whistling noises when you turn on taps because of air rushing into the pipes. While this isn’t strictly a sign of root growth in your pipes, it is a definitive sign of a damaged pipe. You may want to have your plumbing checked if this is the case.

4. Improper Toilet Flushing

After pulling on the flush lever, the water may not go down as freely as it normally would, indicating an obstruction in your pipeline. If the block doesn’t clear up with baking soda and vinegar, you may want to have the pipes checked for tree root growth.

How To Avoid Tree Roots In Pipes

To avoid costly repair bills, you can opt for the following strategies to keep the roots out of your pipes and prevent further root damage:

Tree Ruining Driveway Woth Roots

1. Strategic Gardening

If your garden is vacant and you’re considering populating it with larger trees, consider studying the sewer system in your home’s vicinity.

Plant trees away from the main underground pipes, and be mindful of the distance you put between the potential tree’s root system and the drain pipe. The ideal gardening option would be planting trees with relatively low growth. Trees like banksia and acacia are slow-growing species with shorter roots.

2. Pipe Replacement Or Slip Line Insertion

You may already have trees in your backyard, or maybe you’ve moved into an old house with large trees with large root systems. In either case, you can’t always have a clear-cut choice in the matter, which would demand more involved solutions to the plumbing problem.

You can have your plumber insert a slip line that feeds into the plumbing to create a barrier against the invasive roots. Alternatively, if they are old enough, you can replace the pipes to prevent tree roots from breaching.

3. Install Root Barriers

Physical barriers direct roots away from your pipes. These come in several varieties, with differing effectivenesses for each, namely solid and permeable barriers.

Solid barriers are made from a corrosion-resistant material like plastic or fibreglass, making them extremely effective at warding off tree roots. However, there is no room for water to go through the root barrier, which may exacerbate water-clogging issues.

Permeable barriers are made from a mesh that allows smaller roots and water to go through them. The main drawback with permeable barriers is the risk of choosing the wrong size, leading to the root system penetrating your pipe system.

How To Remove Tree Root Intrusion From Your Pipes

If you already have tree roots in the pipes, have your plumber utilise root growth inhibitors to dissolve smaller roots out of the sewage system. Smaller roots are typically a tiny part of tree root systems, so if harm does come upon them, it won’t affect the tree’s growth much. Trees depend more on larger roots for nutrition.

Your plumber will use a foaming chemical to dry the roots out and prevent new roots from growing in your pipes. It is a simple and effective solution to the tree root problem that can worsen in the long run. To repair them, often pipe relining is used to prevent unnecessary excavation.

Keep Those Tree Roots Out Of Your Sewer Pipes!

These tips should keep the root problem out of your pipes, saving you from a world of cascading issues. Sewer line tree roots in your pipes are the beginning of the degradation of your plumbing, after all.

The issue remains constant throughout the advances in plumbing, and solutions are now more readily available after the age of trials. Remember that, should your plumbing face excessive problems, always contact professional plumbing services for help.

The issue won’t take long to become significantly less manageable, so vigilance and regular maintenance are key when dealing with root growth. For any assistance, reach out to our Melbourne plumbers at WP Plumbing on (03) 9122 8652.

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