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Blocked drains can be a major inconvenience, causing disruptions and potential damage to your property. In this informative article, we will explore the common causes of blocked drains and introduce you to a non-invasive solution: pipe relining.

With over 20 years of industry experience, WP Plumbing, the leading plumbing service in Melbourne, offers expert insights and solutions to address your drain issues. Discover how pipe relining can provide a long-lasting and cost-effective solution, backed by WP Plumbing’s lifetime labour guarantee and same-day response. Say goodbye to blocked drains and schedule an appointment today for a hassle-free plumbing experience.

Common Causes Of Blocked Drains

Blocked drains can wreak havoc on your daily routine and property. Understanding the common causes behind these blockages can help you take preventive measures and ensure the smooth operation of your drain system. Here are some key factors that contribute to blocked drains:

Plumber Removing Blockage Underground Drain Pipe

Accumulated Debris

Over time, debris such as hair, soap scum, food particles, and grease can build up inside drain pipes, impeding the flow of water and leading to blockages.

Tree Root Infiltration

Tree roots seek out moisture and nutrients, and unfortunately, they can infiltrate sewer pipes and drain lines, causing severe blockages and structural damage.

Structural Issues

Damaged or deteriorating drain pipes, including cracks, misalignments, or collapsed sections, can obstruct the proper flow of wastewater.

Foreign Objects

Items like sanitary products, wet wipes, paper towels, and excessive toilet paper can be mistakenly flushed down the toilet, causing blockages in the sewer drain.

Pipe relining offers a highly effective solution to address these common causes of blocked drains. By creating a new inner lining within the existing pipes, pipe relining eliminates the need for costly and disruptive traditional drain repairs. In the next section, we will delve deeper into the process of pipe relining and how it provides a non-invasive solution to blocked drains.

Understanding Pipe Relining: A Non-Invasive Solution

When a drain is blocked by tree roots, accumulated debris, or other causes, pipe relining offers a non-invasive and efficient solution. This innovative technique involves the insertion of a resin-coated liner into the existing sewer drains or clogged drains, creating a new, durable pipe within the old one. Let’s explore the process and benefits of pipe relining in more detail.

Pipe Relining Process


A professional plumber starts by inspecting the plumbing system using advanced CCTV cameras to identify the cause and location of the blockage. This step ensures an accurate assessment and determines if pipe relining is suitable.


Before relining, the drains are thoroughly cleaned using high-pressure water jetting. This removes any debris, tree roots, or foreign objects that may obstruct the relining process.

Liner Insertion

A flexible liner coated with a special resin is inserted into the drain pipes. The liner is then inflated, allowing the resin to adhere to the walls and create a seamless, new pipe inside the existing one. The resin is designed to harden, forming a durable and corrosion-resistant surface.

Curing Process

Once the liner is in place, the resin undergoes curing, usually achieved through heat or ambient temperature. This ensures the resin hardens and creates a strong bond with the existing pipe, resulting in a long-lasting solution.

Pipe relining offers numerous benefits for homeowners and businesses facing blocked stormwater drains, sewer drains, or other drain issues. Unlike traditional drain repairs that involve excavation, pipe relining eliminates the need for disruptive digging, minimising damage to the surrounding property.

  • Time and Cost Efficiency: The pipe relining process is generally faster than traditional repairs, reducing labour and material costs.

  • Seamless Solution: The new pipe created through relining eliminates joints and seams, minimising the likelihood of future blockages and ensuring smooth wastewater flow.

  • Environmentally Friendly: Pipe relining reduces waste by preserving the existing drain infrastructure rather than replacing it entirely.

Consider pipe relining for non-invasives and reliable solutions to blocked drains. In the next section, we will delve into the specific benefits of pipe relining for blocked drains and highlight its advantages over traditional drain repairs.

The Benefits Of Pipe Relining For Blocked Drains

When facing issues such as broken pipes, a blocked sewer drain, or even a blocked toilet, pipe relining offers a range of benefits over traditional drain repairs. Let’s explore the advantages of pipe relining and why it is a preferred solution for resolving blocked drains.

Fixing Damaged Pipe Blocked Drain

Long-Lasting Solution

Pipe relining provides a durable, long-lasting solution for blocked drains. The new resin-coated liner forms a seamless and robust pipe within the existing one, effectively preventing future blockages caused by issues like tree roots, food scraps, or debris accumulation.


Pipe relining can be applied to various types of pipes, including stormwater, sewer, and kitchen sink drains. This versatility provides a comprehensive solution to prevent blocked drains throughout your plumbing system.

Minimised Disruption

Unlike traditional drain repairs, which often require extensive excavation and property disruption, pipe relining is an invasive process. It eliminates the need for digging, preserves your landscape, and minimises the inconvenience of repairs.

Time and Cost Efficiency

Pipe relining is generally faster than traditional drain repairs, reducing labour time and associated costs. The efficient installation and curing of the resin-coated liner save time and money, providing a cost-effective solution for resolving blocked drains.

Improved Flow and Functionality

Pipe relining restores the structural integrity of your pipes by creating a new inner lining. Improved water flow prevents slow drainage and ensures your plumbing system operates efficiently.

Preventative Solution

Pipe relining not only addresses existing blockages but also helps prevent future occurrences. The seamless liner prevents root intrusion, debris build-up, and other common causes of blocked drains, ensuring a clear and functional drainage system for years.

If you have a broken pipe, a clogged drain, blocked sewer drains, or other pipe issues, consider the numerous benefits of pipe relining.

Pipe Relining vs. Traditional Drain Repairs: A Cost And Time Comparison

Pipe relining offers significant advantages over traditional drain repairs when it comes to preventing blocked drains and related plumbing issues. Let’s compare the cost and time factors of pipe relining with conventional methods, such as pipe replacement or clearing blocked drains.

Repairing Blue Pipe


Pipe relining is a cost-effective solution for resolving blocked drains. Traditional drain repairs often involve extensive excavation and pipe replacement, resulting in higher labour costs and material expenses. In contrast, pipe relining requires minimal digging and eliminates the need for complete pipe replacement, making it a more affordable option.

Time Efficiency

Time is of the essence when dealing with a plumbing emergency or slow-drain sewer lines. Pipe relining offers a quicker resolution compared to traditional repairs. The installation and curing process of the resin-coated liner can be completed within a shorter timeframe, minimising disruptions to your daily routine.

Minimal Property Damage

Traditional drain repairs can cause extensive disruption to your property due to excavation and pipe replacement. This results in additional costs for restoring landscaping and structures, inconvenience, and longer project timelines. Pipe relining is a non-invasive process of minimal digging, ensuring you remain intact.

Preventative Maintenance

One critical advantage of pipe relining is its ability to prevent future blockages. The seamless inner lining created through relining helps to avoid issues like root intrusion, the build-up of food waste, and other common causes of blocked drains. This reduces the need for regular drain cleaning and decreases the likelihood of future plumbing emergencies.

Versatile Application

Pipe relining can be applied to various drain pipes, including blocked kitchen sinks, sewer lines, and other plumbing systems. Its versatility provides comprehensive solutions to different drain blockages, catering to various plumbing needs.

Considering the cost-effectiveness, time efficiency, minimal property damage, and preventative maintenance benefits, pipe relining is a superior solution for resolving blocked drains. In the next section, we will explore the applications of pipe relining for different drain types, showcasing its versatility and effectiveness in addressing specific plumbing challenges.

Applications Of Pipe Relining For Different Drain Types

Pipe relining offers a versatile solution for addressing blocked drains in various drain types, including bathroom sinks, toilet bowls, and hot water systems. Let’s explore the applications of pipe relining for different drain types and how it can effectively resolve specific plumbing challenges.

Plumber Fixing Large Plumbing Pipe

Bathroom Sink And Basins

Various factors, such as hair, soap residue, or grease build-up, can block bathroom sinks. Pipe relining provides a reliable solution by creating a seamless inner lining that prevents future blockages and ensures smooth water flow and optimal functionality.

Toilet Drains

Severe blockages in toilet drains can be a significant inconvenience. Rather than resorting to traditional methods like drain snakes or costly repairs involving pipe replacement, pipe relining offers a non-invasive alternative that addresses solid waste accumulation or obstructions, providing a long-lasting solution.

Hot Water Systems:

Hot water systems can experience blockages due to mineral deposits or sediment build-up over time. Pipe relining allows for restoring optimal water flow in hot water systems, ensuring efficient operation and preventing disruptions to your daily routine.

General Plumbing Systems

Pipe relining can be applied to various drain types throughout a plumbing system, including kitchen sinks, floor drains, and laundry tubs. Whether the obstruction is due to grease build-up, solid waste, or other causes, pipe relining offers a comprehensive solution through its seamless inner lining, preventing future blockages and maintaining the integrity of the plumbing system.

It’s important to note that pipe relining should be carried out by a licensed plumber and drain specialists with expertise in this technique. The average person attempting to clear blocked drains will often worsen the problem without proper tools. Plumbing professionals have the necessary knowledge and equipment to assess the specific drain type and apply pipe relining effectively.

Signs Of Blocked Drains And When to Consider Pipe Relining

Blocked drains can lead to various issues, from slow drainage to unpleasant odours and overflowing drains. Recognising the signs of a blocked drain pipe is crucial in determining when to consider pipe relining an effective solution. Here are some common indicators that your drains may be blocked:

Slow Drainage

If you notice water taking longer to drain from sinks, showers, or baths, it could indicate a blocked drain. A build-up of debris, hardened grease, or other substances in the pipes can cause this.

Unpleasant Odours

Foul smells emanating from drains can indicate a blockage. These odours can be caused by accumulated food waste, human waste, or other substances trapped in the pipes.

Gurgling Noises

If you hear gurgling or bubbling sounds when water drains, it may indicate a partially blocked sewer or drain. This can occur when air is trapped in the pipes due to a blockage.

Overflowing Drains

When water overflows from sinks, toilets, or other fixtures, it clearly indicates a blocked drain. This requires immediate attention to prevent further damage and potential health hazards.

When you encounter any of these signs, it is important to address the issue promptly. Considering pipe relining as a solution can provide long-lasting benefits. Pipe relining effectively resolves blockages caused by items falling down the drain or toilet bowl, such as baby wipes, feminine hygiene products, sanitary products, cooking oil, hardened grease, and other debris commonly accumulating in drains and pipes.

Choosing A Qualified Plumber for Pipe Relining

When it comes to pipe relining, selecting a qualified plumber is essential to ensure reliable and expert service. With many homeowners experiencing blocked drains due to fallen leaves, heavy rain, or debris flushed down the sink or toilet, choosing a professional specialising in pipe relining is crucial. Here’s why:

Plumbers Undertaking Pipe Relining Process

Expertise and Experience

A qualified plumber specialising in pipe relining has the expertise and experience to assess and address blocked drains effectively. They understand the process’s intricacies and can identify the most suitable solutions for your specific situation.

Proper Equipment

Pipe relining requires specialised equipment and tools. A qualified plumber will have access to the latest equipment, ensuring that the relining process is carried out accurately and efficiently.

Comprehensive Assessment

A qualified plumber will thoroughly assess your plumbing system, identifying any underlying issues contributing to blockages. This allows them to provide a comprehensive solution beyond just addressing the immediate problem, ensuring your entire plumbing system is in top shape.

Clear Communication

Choosing a qualified plumber means having clear and open communication throughout the pipe relining process. They will explain the details of the procedure, answer any questions you may have, and provide recommendations to prevent future blockages.

Professional Standards

Qualified plumbers adhere to professional standards and regulations, ensuring that the pipe relining process is carried out to the highest quality. They will prioritise the safety and integrity of your plumbing system, offering peace of mind and reliable service.

To prevent blocked drains and maintain the longevity of your plumbing system, it’s essential to engage a qualified plumber for pipe relining. They will address the immediate blockage and provide insights and recommendations to prevent future issues.

Unblock Your Drains and Restore Flow with Pipe Relining Solutions

When faced with blocked drains, trust a qualified plumber with expertise in pipe relining. Their knowledge, experience, and specialised equipment will ensure a reliable and effective solution. Contact our qualified plumber today to experience the benefits of professional pipe relining services.

WP Plumbing, Melbourne’s leading plumbing service, offers expert pipe relining solutions. Please schedule an appointment with us today to keep your drains clear and your plumbing system functioning at its best.

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